Brisbane Drive, Nottingham NG5 9LB, is a Residential Street in Nottingham, NG5 9LB
Brisbane Drive, Nottingham, NG5 9LB is a residential street in Nottingham. According to the Census Bureau, approximately 59% of the housing spaces are mortgaged. While the number of housing spaces is representative, Census Bureau data may not account for under or over-occupancy.
The average asking price for property in Nottingham is PS167,050, but you can also find rental properties in the area. For example, a detached house in Nottingham, NG5 is worth PS146,730, while a terraced property is worth PS113,228. Despite the relative stability of the Nottingham property market, it is still advisable to check the current value of a property before making an offer.
Crime statistics for the area surrounding Brisbane Drive show that crime is lower than the average for the city. Compared to the rest of Nottingham, this area is the safest in Nottingham. There are fewer crimes per 1,000 residents than in many other parts of the city. This is a result of the high number of residential properties.
Despite its low crime rate, it is also home to many criminals. Several crimes were reported within a one mile radius of this property in the past month. The crime map below shows the number of crimes and the type of crime reported. 23 Brisbane Drive Nottingham NG5 9LB is located near a train station, an underground station, and bus stops.
Brisbane Drive is 672 metres long and is part of the city of Nottingham. It has a unique street reference number of 29003374 in the National Street Gazetteer and postcodes of NG5 9LF and NG5 9LB. It has a total population of 58,020. There is a public car park nearby schools. A large number of businesses and services are located along Brisbane Drive.