Compare the Time of Brisbane and London

Compare local times between Brisbane and London using this convenient online converter tool, which also automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving Time when appropriate.
Living in Australia or the UK provides unique cultural experiences. Both nations boast strong education systems with world-renowned universities; however, they differ significantly in other ways.
Table of Contents
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of shifting clocks forward one hour during spring and back one hour during fall to maximize daylight use, giving us our beloved “spring forward, fall back” slogan.
Australian states typically operate under three time zones; when DST comes into effect it expands to five. Queensland and most of New South Wales as well as Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory observe DST while Western Australia and Northern Territory don’t.
However, Queensland has strong feelings against daylight savings, while much of Australia is quite supportive of DST. Unfortunately, given that other parts of Australia don’t want to switch off DST soon after it starts on October 1, it seems likely that summer time differences between time zones remain. Studies show DST can lead to increased road accidents due to darker mornings and decreased sun.
Summer Time
Crossing the International Date Line between Australia and England causes clocks to move forward by one day; this change only applies during daylight saving seasons in both nations.
Australia only observes daylight saving time (DST), including New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. DST usually begins on the last Sunday in October and continues through to April 1.
Lord Howe Island stands as an exception, as it does not follow DST or AEST; instead it maintains Australian Central Time (ACST, UTC+9.5) year round. During World War 2, Britain introduced British Double Summer Time, moving clocks ahead two hours to save energy – this caused an initial increase in morning energy usage before levels decreased as soon as evening approached; but unfortunately this policy was never brought back after the war ended.
Winter Time
Now is the time of year where we revert back to standard time, which may or may not be welcome news for everyone. Depending on who you ask, it can either be considered the greatest blessing ever or something to be avoided like the plague.
This year was different – as March 31 is not a leap day, we only lost an hour!
Britain’s British Summer Time (BST) commences at 1am on the last Sunday in March when clocks “spring forward”, and ends two months later at 2am when clocks “fall back” by an hour.
Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory do not observe Daylight Saving Time, meaning they remain on local standard time all year. New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland do observe DST however and switch off/on at an exact same time each year to and from BST; making it easy to keep track of time differences during long winter months.
Time Zone Converter
As the Earth spins and moves, its rotation creates time zones that differ depending on your location. Time zone differences are measured according to how far east or west they are from the prime meridian that runs through Greenwich in England; DST adjustments also influence how much daylight each day brings with it. Calculating time differences can be challenging without proper tools but these online calculators make this straightforward and simple.
This online time zone converter makes it easy to select cities and countries and compare their times, an invaluable resource if you work or live with people in different parts of the world. It will save you from scheduling phone calls at awkward hours or missing important events altogether.
For instance, if you live in London and wish to reach a friend in Brisbane via Skype or phone calls, you must select an hour which falls between their working hours; such as between 7:00 pm and 8:00 am in Australia.